Saturday, February 29, 2020

Assessing the Marks and Spencers retail chain

Assessing the Marks and Spencers retail chain Marks and Spencer is a British retail chain with over 800 stores in around 30 countries (600 in the UK). Food and clothing retail play a large part in the Marks and Spencer corporate strategy. The Marks & Spencer business model has had to adapt to change and consumer trends over the years to maintain the company’s position as one of the largest retailers in the world. Marks and Spencer (M&S) is a heritage of the British retail and has been present for nearly 130 years. Throughout the years, several individuals have led the organisation and distinct patterns of leadership style can be observed. The impact of leadership style at M&S will be compared to the organisation’s performance and critically evaluated against published leadership models. Covey, S.R. (1990) Historical leadership (1880-1990) (Mathieu) Until the middle of the 20th century, the customers and employees were divided in two classes: middle class and working class separating people who had money and the wo rking class who hadn’t. Additionally, women during this period seemed to have predominantly a reproducing role and did not have direct political power. Gender and classes have shaped the evolution of M&S dominated by strong powerful males from its early days [Rippin A. (2005)]. The leadership of M&S has been and still is dominated by men. Michael Marks founder of M&S had the traits of an entrepreneur. As the leadership was passed on through the family, increased competition within the heirs led to emergence of stronger characters. Michael’s son, Simon Marks and later Simon’s brother in law Israel Sieff changed the leadership style towards a stronger dictatorial influence. Both Marks and Sieff families had been victims of violence especially during the war and controversially established an organisation with ‘systematic symbolic violence’ and bullying [Rippin A. (2005)]. M&S managed to blur the gaps between the social classes, at least on the fashion aspect by the type of clothes provided by the company. Working class women could at last afford and wear elegant and aspiring clothing deemed to a superior class. Derek Raynor took over in 1983 which was a major transition from a family business to a plc. In 1988, Sir Richard Greenbury concentrated on the operational and financial of the organisation. In the following year however, M&S failed to transform significantly and became reactive [Stockport G.J. (2000)]. As the environment became more dynamic, customers’ expectation changed, competition became fiercer but M&S failed to keep up and adapt to the market. The family business became victim of their past success and lacking of a person with exceptional calibre to lead change through its professional debut. 2.0 Leadership transition Changes outside and inside M&S In 1997 M&S made over 1 Billion pounds of profit and accounted for over 16% of UK’s clothing market. The company was then valued at 19 Billion pounds. (199 7 Annual Report). 1998-1999 marked the start of an under performing period and share price plummeted by 40% [Cape Times Business Report (1999)]. As competitors such as Zara and Next took market share from the top end of the market while the same time value offerings were attacked by the supermarkets who were increasingly entering the same market. Peter Salisbury became CEO in 1999 and started to question the M&S ways of working. He placed an emphasis on empowerment by reducing the number of hierarchical layer from eight to seven, and promoting a sense of ownership and decision-making in local stores [Stockport G.J. (2000)].

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Nursing Should Not Unionize Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nursing Should Not Unionize - Essay Example It seems that there are various strong arguments against the unionization of nurses. The first argument, in the opinion of Anne Shields and Kathleen Rice, is that unionization of nurses goes in stark contradiction with the Florence Nightingale Pledge to â€Å"devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care† (Shields & Rice, 2000). It is very evident that a nurse needs to be able to think, speak, and act independently in order to serve this purpose. However, unions often come between patient and nurse. This takes away the professional freedom and status of nurses. To illustrate, it is very common for unions to adopt strike and walkout as the strategies to achieve their targets. In such cases, all the nurses in the union will be forced to do so because of their affiliations. However, unlike other professions, all healing professions are first and foremost servants of the patient. Unionization often comes with common issues like collective bargaining, political action, and litigation. When such economic considerations are given importance, the quality of patient care goes down. Another adverse impact of unions will be on the effectiveness of supervision. Admittedly, the reality of nursing is that the ones who are highly dedicated and perform exceptionally are appreciated and better compensated by the nursing supervisors. However, the presence of a contractual agreement will make it impossible for the supervisors even to think about giving different compensation to different people violating the agreements. Things turn even worse when it is about incompetence. To illustrate, it is possible for a supervisor or management to remove such nurses who are ‘good enough’ or who are incompetent regardless of their seniority. However, such actions invite the wrath of unions. Thus, managers lose the power to argue for the welfare of the patient. Thus, AS Sbinga (2008) points out, instead of providing the best possible care to the patient, the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Deviant and Criminal Behavior in the Workplace Dissertation

Deviant and Criminal Behavior in the Workplace - Dissertation Example It is important because effective teamwork helps the organization to meet its set objectives. Communication among employees needs to be effective for smooth coordination of activities in the workplace (Härtel, Zerbe & Ashkanasy, 2005). Effective communication in the workplace helps individuals become more productive. Individuals having their roles well defined characterize a well-organized institution. Organizational behavior studies how individuals behave in organized settings. A good management team needs to identify the roles of their employees in the workplace. It will enable them to monitor the behavior of their employees. The monitoring of employee behavior enables organizations to understand their functions easily (Elias, 2013). The behavior of most individual results from the culture of the organization. The culture an organization affects how the employees act in the workplace. Most corporations have their own unique culture that is different from other companies. It means that employees will act differently depending on the organization. Most experts argue that organizational behavior results from the structure of a company. The structure and culture of an organization are linked together to explain employee behavior. Structural formation of an organization involves the management of the corporation. Managers have the capability of controlling the behavior of their employ ees (Sims, 2002). For example, there are companies that have programs in their systems that help their employees solve their problems. A strategy improves the behavior of employees in an organization. The study of employee behavior involves scientific, human relations and contingency approach. Adoption of the contingency approach means that the company is recognizing that employee behavior is a complex issue. Managers have the responsibility of developing ideas that will enable the organization to achieve its target.Â